Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know I should see a mental health coach?

Here at Black Girl Existing, I want my clients to feel like they’ve found themselves again. When you complete our final session I want you to feel free to speak your mind and be inspired to follow your goals. I want you to believe that you deserve to be loved, to be cared about, to be thought about. I want to hold space for you to cry without hiding, curse without apologizing, and find your fire again. To support this journey I provide single sessions where we can work through what is going on in the present and discuss a clear plan of action for the future. For an extended experience, my premium coaching program is 8 weeks and includes everything you would get in a single session PLUS downloadable templates for mental health management, we work through coping strategies for stress, build your personal self-care tool bank, develop goals and motivators while you take those first steps towards your goals. If either one of those services appeals to what you need in this next portion of your journey, book a session here.

What's the difference between a mental health coach and a therapist?

Both therapists and mental health coaches have the same goal of providing our clients with methods that allow them to live happier lives. Licensed Therapists are required to have a master's degree or higher, often are specialized, and can give you a clinical diagnosis. Therapists can also help you work through the long-term behaviors that formed as a result of your past. Coaches are not specialized in clinical diagnoses and are most valuable if you are someone who needs short-term support, a plan of action for the next part of your journey, accountability, and a stocked self-care toolbank.

What qualifications do you need to become a mental health coach?

Mental health coaching is not a regulated field, coaches tend to be certified by a particular program, and should be knowledgeable in evidence-based practices, cognitive behavioral therapy, and strength-based practices. Natalie Bell, BGE’s mental health coach received a 4 year Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, NY, and is committed to ongoing study and professional development so that she can provide clients with valuable and informed experience.

Why do I have to apply to the premium coaching program?

The application process for my premium coaching ensures that I am the right fit for you. During our consultation call we discuss your mental health needs,  the framework of the program, resources I offer, what I can and cannot help with as a mental health coach, and answer any final questions you have before we book our first session.

What can I talk about during my session?

Short answer: Whatever you feel is holding you back. Long answer: My goal for our sessions is to assess where you are in your journey currently and build a plan so you can ground yourself, feel comfortable, and feel you deserve to be where you are. Or we work together to help you get to the next phase of your journey with peace of mind and the self care tools you need. 

If a mental health coach can't cure my mental health problems, why should I go?

While mental health coaches cannot diagnose you with a clinical mental illness like a therapist or psychiatrist, you can learn skills needed to cope with your struggles until you’re able to seek out a mental health clinician that you can see regularly. No mental health professional can promise to cure your mental health problems however they will provide you with useful tools to empower yourself to engage in healthier behaviors and thought processes. If you're looking for a therapist specifically, is a great resource to start with!

What is a Playing Card Divination?

Divination attempts to gain insight or understanding about a particular question or situation using tools studied by the practitioner. Playing card divinations, or cartomancy divination, is simply divination through playing cards. I read the cards based on their suits, numbers, colors, and symbols in relation to one another and provide a concise report about what the cards mean and what you can do following our reading together. 

How often should I get a reading?

While readings will typically give you guidance on current issues, the lifespan of the reading can last 1-3 months. While divination is not fortune telling, you may gain insight on things that may be coming up in your life and my rule of thumb is to get readings when you’d like some guidance about your progress, when you are trying to understand why things are stagnant, or when you feel your last reading has run its course. Oftentimes when you get readings done too often your cards or the theme of the reading begins to repeat unless you're going through significant changes in your life. So in order to have a valuable experience with any reader, book no more than once a month unless you're going through a lot of changes in circumstance.

Do you offer spiritual divination to your mental health coaching clients?

I hold the belief that care should be holistic. However, I provide mental health solutions for mental health questions and provide spiritual messages for spiritual questions in divination. As a result, I will not offer divination unless explicitly requested by a client, in which case, we would schedule an additional session specifically for the divination.